Etapas de piaget desarrollo humano
Etapas de piaget desarrollo humano

The results of an assessment may condition our interventions and, therefore, the course of a child's development (DeRobertis, 2011), for which reason it would be necessary to introduce into its design elements which were sensitive to the dynamism of the ontogenetic process. In our opinion this need extends to the instruments of measurement of individual development. To this extent, many researchers into this development are sensitive to the need for new methods to tackle its study (e.g.: Hollenstein, 2011 Puche & Marti, 2011 Schöner, 2014 Spencer, Austin, & Schutte, 2012 Spencer, Thomas, & McClelland, 2009 Witherington, 2011, 2014 Witherington & Margett, 2011) and to the value of combining micro-genetic and longitudinal analyses (e.g.: Garcia-Mila, Gilabert & Rojo, 2011 Lyra & Valsiner 2011 Valsiner, 2011 van Dijk & van Geert, 2011). Bronfrenbrenner's (1979), now classic, ecological model Sameroff´s (1982) transactional perspective and, even, the model of developmental systems developed by Guralnick (2001), as the result of a long trajectory in the area of early intervention, are, along with Esther Thelen's (1985, 1989a, 1989b 1992, 1995) dynamic systems theory, examples of what we could call a new paradigm, which takes on, as a key element to its definition (Siegler & Shipley, 1995), the systemic and dynamic features of the process of developmental change as much as the inter-individual variable.

etapas de piaget desarrollo humano

However, although the scales of measurement have been brought up to date at various times since, they have remained ascribed to the theoretical positions upon which they were built. Both lines of investigation have since interacted.

etapas de piaget desarrollo humano

In parallel, research into Developmental Psychology has provided new explanatory theories and models. The construction of assessment and measurement scales of psychological development will shortly be one century old, since Arnold Gesell initiated his research in Yale University in the 1920s. Palabras clave: Psicología del desarrollo escalas de evaluación del desarrollo infantil teoría de sistemas dinámicos desarrollo armónico. Los primeros ensayos realizados desvelan su utilidad como un test de screening al servicio de la prevención desarrollo infantil. La escala aporta variables que permiten abordar simultáneamente la dimensión cuantitativa (el Cociente de Desarrollo Medio) y la calidad del proceso de desarrollo (el Indice de Armonía). Estas etapas, entendidas como "estados atractores" -concepto clave en la Teoría de Sistemas Dinámicos Autoorganizados-, pierden rigidez e integran la variabilidad.

etapas de piaget desarrollo humano

La Escala de Desarrollo Armónico recoge elementos sensibles al dinamismo del proceso ontogenético: áreas y funciones de desarrollo que experimentan tensiones generadoras de cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos a través de diferentes niveles y etapas. La mayoría de las explicaciones propuestas en las últimas décadas convergen en considerar el cambio evolutivo como el resultado de una compleja red de transacciones entre el sujeto y sus contextos de desarrollo a distintos niveles. Key words: Development psychology Child development evaluation scales Dynamic systems theory Harmonic development.Įn el ámbito de la evaluación psicológica, cada vez más, los profesionales interesados en el desarrollo son sensibles a la necesidad de instrumentos capaces de integrar en su diseño el carácter sistémico y epigenético de este proceso. Initial trials reveal their usefulness as a screening test to serve in child development prevention. The scale provides variables which allow the quantitative dimension (the Average Development Quotient) and the quality of the process of development (the Index of Harmony) to be dealt with at the same time. These stages, understood as "attractor states -a key concept in the Self-organizing Dynamic Systems Theory-, lose rigidity and integrate variability. The Scale of Harmonic Development combines elements sensitive to the dynamism of the ontogenetic process: areas and functions of development which experience generative tensions of quantitative and qualitative change across different levels and stages.

etapas de piaget desarrollo humano

Most of the proposals put forward in recent decades coincide in considering developmental change as the result of a complex network of transactions between the subject and its developmental contexts at different levels. Professionals interested in the area of psychological assessment are becoming increasingly sensitive towards the need for instruments capable of integrating the systemic and epigenetic character of the developmental process into its design. Una propuesta integradora para la evaluación del desarrollo infantilįrancisco J. A proposal of integration by which to assess child developmentĮscala de desarrollo armónico.

Etapas de piaget desarrollo humano